Makbule Baldik Le Fay
Product Manager, Region Americas,
MAN Energy Solutions
Makbule is a Regional Product Manager for MAN Energy Solutions, responsible for 2 stroke engine retrofit and upgrade projects in the Americas. Objectives in these projects vary from increasing engine reliability to saving fuel, from reducing emissions to extending component, engine or vessel life time. Converting engines to run on alternative fuels is one of the ways to achieve these objectives. Upgrading the existing fleet alongside building greener vessels is crucial to reach the global decarbonization targets. She is also involved in Technology Demonstration projects funded by US government agencies. Makbule has been working for MAN since 2007, initially starting in Istanbul location and playing a fundamental role in establishing the workshop and the service business in that location. Prior experiences include working at Celik Tekne Shipyard building MR Tankers and fishing vessels. Makbule holds a Bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Yildiz Technical University in Turkey.
27-Jun-2024Low Carbon Fuels and PropulsionChair Welcoming Remarks: Marine and Stationary Applications
27-Jun-2024Low Carbon Fuels and PropulsionPanel Discussion: eFuels- Exploring the potential of eFuels in marine and shipping
27-Jun-2024Low Carbon Fuels and PropulsionChair Closing Remarks