2024 Agenda

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Panel Discussion: New Electrolyzer Paradigms: What's hype and what's worth watching?

26 Jun 2024
Hydrogen Production, Storage and Infrastructure Development

Of course the hydrogen world knows about Alkaline and Solid Oxide electrolyzers. But, as more attention is paid to the growing green hydrogen market, innovators are flocking to the electrolyzer space to explore new technologies that can improve reliability of systems and lower the overall costs of green hydrogen beyond the capabilities of existing technologies like PEM, AEM, water vapor electrolyzers, or decoupled reactions. As a potential hydrogen producer, how can you assess the strengths of these emerging technologies and know when the right time to invest in them is? We’d like to bring together a group of experts across the hydrogen innovation space to discuss the current opportunities and barriers to new electrolyzer technologies. Which players are furthest along? Will some applications, locations, or jurisdictions benefit more from new electrolyzer technologies over others? Are these new technologies hype or reality? How do you assess risk, and when is the right time to jump into the waters to stay ahead of competitors?

Rommel Oates, Founder and CEO - Refinery Calc
Patrick Goodman, Technical Director, Process Engineering - Fluor
Ignacio Bincaz, Chief Commercial Officer - Advanced Ionics
Jason Stevens, Director of Hydrogen Project Development and Execution, North America - EDP Renewables

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